Saturday, December 24, 2011

Happy Holidays

Here are some things to think about during your holiday of choice.

1. "Baby, It's Cold Outside" may not so much be a love song as a ditty about what landed a man on To Catch a Predator.

2. Of the Doctor Who Christmas Specials, only one out of six of them [so far] feature Christmas as a major plot point.

3. If people get creative and whip out their rhyming dictionaries from their angst-ridden bad poetry days, Adam Sandler's "Hanukkah Song" can totally become the next "99 Bottles of Beer."

4. If you're still upset about the Star Wars prequels, there is a little Christmas miracle called The Star Wars Holiday Special that will make you feel better about George Lucas sabotaging his own franchise. Although, keep sharp objects out of arm's reach and make sure you call the doctor should the nausea and shame last for more than seven days.

5. You could add a science fiction element to It's a Wonderful Life and pretend Clarence is an other-worldly being who can travel through time, space, and parallel universes. Or, maybe the world without Jimmy Stewart is the actual reality and the one where he exists is the fake one. (INCEPTION!)

6. Have you ever pretended that Santa's elves are the same as Lord of the Rings elves? Because I have, and it's much more awesome.

7. Sure, the musical Rent sings about "Seasons of Love," but I'm pretty sure the majority of the plot is spent around wintertime, specifically during the holidays. So would that make it about disease, city life, and season of love, singular?

8. A Nightmare Before Christmas features a protagonist going through a mid-life crisis. The protagonist is a skeleton. Discuss.

9. The movie Love Actually features a universe where Rick Grimes is in love with Elizabeth Swann, Elizabeth Swann is married to the Operative, Bilbo Baggins is completely naked for a bizarre photo shoot, Shaun's stepfather as a rock star, Mr. Bean is the slowest retail salesman alive, and Professors Snape and Trelawney are married. Oh, and Liam Neeson is there too. (Behold my film reference knowledge!... maybe that's why I was single for so long...)

10.  A Christmas Carol is a heartwarming tale about ghosts, time travel, and nerd turned bitter old miser that learns to spread his wealth as well as maintain a successful business. It's also a constant reminder that, like Bob Crachit, I am the 99%.

Happy everything!

Monday, December 12, 2011


So, I got married.

That was fun.

And mentally and emotionally draining. Everyone told me it would be difficult, but no one seemed to emphasize it enough. There was a lot of red wine and ice cream, which is not as enjoyable when you're wailing that the wedding is ruined because one of your DIY invites gave you a paper cut.

I left my wedding day in a haze of exhaustion and excitement... I might have also left it in a straight jacket saying nonsense words. On our honeymoon, Kev set up the main ground rule which was "no internet." While I was able to sneak in one or two Facebook and Twitter updates, I enjoyed my vacation internet free.

Then I came home to my dog, wedding presents, thank you notes, work responsibilities, an apartment in need of cleaning, a bare refrigerator, friends and family asking about the honeymoon, etc.

So I wound up in a traumatized state, staring into the abyss of the internet and ignoring everything else. 

And that is why I've been on the quiet side in terms of blogginess.

By the way, Pinterest? Awesome. It's much better than StumbleUpon... i love the pinterest... obey the pinterest...

You know what? Pin this drawing. See what happens. Then tweet it under #pinterganda. Or #propinganda. Either way, behold the power of the Mighty Pinterest!