Wednesday, March 24, 2010

The Last 48 Hours

Just in case anyone is interested, I have a new Livejournal account at KC: Geek Chic, the Livejournal Derivation. It's mainly for those who do not like Blogspot and would like to follow me somehow. However, if you have a Blogspot account, I highly encourage you subscribe to my journal at It'll be the same blog for the most part since they're linked, but I know a lot of kids who wouldn't touch Blogspot with a stick. Honestly, I dig Blogspot--Livejournal is starting to become a tad annoying with the ads that keep popping up on my main page. But, c'est la vie.

Speaking of phrases and sentences with "c'est" in it, I've decided to add a little something-something at the end of a post every now and then that I'm calling "C'est Geek Chic." Basically it'll be a picture of a piece of clothing or accessory that I'd love to possess that is stylish and/or geeky in nature. Let's face it, I'm a geek, but I'm also a girl and I love to window shop for new clothes. Don't worry, my more masculine readers, it'll mostly be T-shirts, but don't be surprised if I throw in some jewelry or bags or shoes or something. Maybe there'll be a little comment below the picture, maybe there won't. It'll just depend on my mood. But we'll get into that later.

Anyway, as per the title of this post, I want to let everyone know what has happened within the last forty-eight hours, more or less. It began yesterday at around 10am, when I was at work. I got this vibe that it was going to be a weird day. And it kind of was... something seemed kind of off with everyone. It seemed like everyone was still kind of waking up, including myself. I was really tempted to buy some coffee, but I've been trying to avoid it so that I won't have to rely on caffeine. And throughout my shift, my metabolism was kicking my back. It was like a cat shredding it's claws through my stomach, telling me it was time to feed. I ate an extremely fatty cookie to make it stop, but no dice.

Well, I get out of work at 2pm and I think to myself, "You know, since I'm really hungry and I'm trying to be somewhat healthy today, a Subway sandwich sounds really good right now." So I drive to Subway and order a $5 foot-long so that I can have half for lunch that afternoon and the other half for lunch the next day. Perfect, awesome plan. Then I get to my car and I go to start it...

Nothing happens. No vroom, no lights going blinky, no nothing. I knew deep down that it was the battery, but I'm a stubborn person and I was bound to find something else with the vehicle. Then after the help of the very sweet employees at Subway and Fred Loya Insurance, I find out after a few jumps and ending up stuck in the middle of the parking lot's road that my car battery is completely fried. Many curse words streamed through my head.

I realize that I don't have my cellphone because I left it at home to charge the dying battery... strange coincidence, huh? Again, I ask the wonderful employees of Fred Loya Insurance for help, and they let me use their phone. I called the only person who's phone number I knew off the top of my head, which is my dad. I tell him what happened and he says, "Well, s***." Which, oddly enough, was the first sentence I said when I found out my car wouldn't start. My dad told me he'd be on his way, and I managed to get my car into neutral gear, and a nice random gentleman and I moved it into a parking space.

Now, just in case some of you don't know, when I get extremely frustrated and stressed, my physiological response to cry. I'm not proud of it, but it is what it is. As my father arrives, I'm sniffling and drained and still crying. And my poor dad tried pretty hard to cheer me up as he went over the car just to make sure it was the battery that was the problem.

DAD: Don't be upset, it's not that bad. So you got some Subway, huh? Why don't you eat and I'll take care of this.
ME: *sniffle sniffle* I'm not hungry... *sniffle sniffle*

I'm a lot like my dad, but in cases like this where unforeseen circumstances take place, I become a little bit neurotic. It's funny to look back on now, because I can just picture me losing it and my laid-back father hiding his confusion about how to make the situation better. Then he just gave up on making me feel better and told me to clean my car... which actually snapped me out of it.

So long story short, we got a new car battery and my car came back to life. And I stopped crying, my frustration went away, and I became hungry enough for my entire $5 foot-long in one sitting. But I was still drained and just muddled around until I fell asleep.

And then there was this morning, where I left my apartment on time to get to school, but was deterred by a slow-moving train, multiple stoplights, and people who don't know how to drive in the rain. I realized that my school things were not organized like they usually were, which was just a tad displeasing. And then there was my hair. My beautiful hair which I fixed and styled and primped for a career fair that I attended today, which was ruined because the humidity was so strong that my hair puffed out and made it look like the mane on the Cowardly Lion. And you know the humidity's bad when my straight hair gets one little ringlet. Just the one, mind you. God forbid I get more ringlets so that my hair can have some consistency despite the climate. Yeah, I put on a plastic headband and managed to get five resumes out, but still! My poor hair...

And we top off the evening with my being late to rehearsal... again, because of a train. However, the rehearsal went well and I got quite a bit done, so I was pleased with how that came out.

There you have it. That was yesterday and today in a nutshell. And now I shall bid you all goodnight as I have yet another day of work tomorrow and even more studying to do.

But first, the debut of...

C'est Geek Chic

Property of Think Geek.

Did you honestly think that the first item would be anything else? Silly people. :P


Hawkeyemeds said...

Awesome blog and love the tshirt. Oh one question. What was on the subway ? ;)

kaseycleon said...

Thanks, Meds! And just so you know, that 12 in. sandwich was definitely one of the best veggie-based sandwiches I've ever had. So, so good. Sweet onion dressing with as many vegetables you can fit between two pieces of toasted 9-grain honey wheat bread... I want another one. :P