Friday, January 15, 2010


On December 31st, 2009, I did something that I never ever, ever do. I made a New Year's resolution. Well, it's not so much resolution so much as it is a to-do list for the year. Apart from the usual stereotypical resolutions--namely lose "x" amount of weight--I have also resolved to write more. Therefore, I have resolved to blog more. It's an activity that I really miss doing and I really want to try and keep up with it.

But I also want to do something a little different with it. I noticed going through my past posts that it seemed like I was a little detached, and I very much want to bring more of myself and maybe some of my personal life into my writing. I will most likely mention school, as it has been a big part of my life for the last five years and I am about to complete my final semester of college. I will also most likely friends and family, but only in a positive light because this is in my Facebook feed and they can read it... and if I say anything bad about them, I will cease to exist. *smiles nervously and waves* But what will definitely not change is the talk of pop culture and all things geekery. That's just who I am.

So during the school semester, I am setting a minimum of two blogs a month, just to set a goal for myself and to get back into the habit. Once school is over, I hope to write more, but we shall see what life has in store. Thank you all for your patience with my... seven month absence? Dang, that's a long time. Anyway, I hope you guys will enjoy what is to come, and feel free to leave as many comments as you like. Positive feedback means positive conditioning, which means more blogging. :)


P.S. You may notice that the older posts seem to have disappeared. They have simply moved to another location that I'm simply calling the Geek Chic Archives-- That's it. The end.