
Email me at nerderyandlifery(at) Ask me questions, send me feedback, or suggest a nice recipe or DIY craft. Anything written about the deliciousness of chocolate and/or key lime pie will be given high priority.

Don't send me spam, though. That's not wanted. If you do, I will have to go viking on your ass. Wait, do vikings like spam? Whatever. Just don't do it.

I am not against setting some social network up for Nerdery and Lifery, but I might need some coaxing. I already have an addiction to the internet and I don't want to make it worse. In the meantime, you can follow me on Twitter via @KCGeekChic.

And again, not a fan of spambots. If you send me spam, I will assume you are a Cylon and we do not share a peaceful history. Well, we won't anyway... for it has happened before and will happen again. #spoilers