Thursday, November 8, 2012

Political Views

The election happened this week and there are people who are thrilled and people who are... not so thrilled.

Let me be clear, I don't like politics. I consider myself a non-partisan and I have major anxiety over government and economics. My main problem with politics is that we are voting for people. In my opinion, in order to be a politician, you have to be a bit stupid or a bit of an asshole. Or a bitch if you're a politicianess. (My hats off to the bitchy politicianesses this year, by the way. A big Spice Girl "GIRL POWAH" to you!)

People who care about other people's opinions and want to avoid conflict rarely go into politics. Assholes, idiots and bitches have made a career out of it. Good on them because no one else wants to do that job, but then you get large groups of people hating on the politicians and hating groups that support them. Then the assholes, bitches and idiots might have their own personal agendas that they kept secret from their campaign and they turn out to be even bigger assholes, idiots and bitches. Just too many people with too many opinions and too many hidden motives.

That's why I want a robot for president.

I think this is the best idea ever. Before you go crazy with the “Haven't you watched BSG” argument, let me assure you that I have. And if I'm correct, the human characters weren't that great either. These are my reasons for wanting a POTUS-bot.

POTUS-bot would probably have to start as a senator. It's a typical move for most politicians of the mammalian persuasion. And filibustering is a non-issue when robots never need sleep. Things would get done. Between a law and sleep, what do you think a human is going to choose after a while?

Robots are built to be logical and unbiased. POTUS-bot would policies into effect that are better for the whole of America rather than individual beliefs based on rural or city culture.

Robots can't lie. Have you seen movies about robots? They're pretty upfront with what they want. Imagine POTUS-bot's campaign trail! POTUS-bot would be upfront with everything on his platform.

And most important, if built correctly, robots are not prone to human flaws such as greed or lust. Therefore, no scandals to be had!

Now the only obstacle that might stand in POTUS-bot's way is the human race's fear of robots. Media, filmmakers and book authors have not exactly painted a positive image of the mechanical products of man. Bill O'Reilly and Fox News would have a heyday with POTUS-bot.

However, think of it this way: the closest you'll get to a Jed Bartlett-like president is a Star Trek character. And if we can't have a Picard, we can always build a Data.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Monday, September 24, 2012

Visit the Anomaly Podcast website! Subscribe on iTunes! Listen on Stitcher!
Do you want to hear me talk about things? Like sci-fi, fantasy, and general geeky things? I co-host a sister podcast for Anomaly called Anomaly Supplemental. Our most recent episode is about William Shakespeare and his influence on science fiction. The next two will be a Doctor Who review and a Ghostbusters-themed show. So... please love me and listen to my nonsensical ramblings.

Friday, September 21, 2012

More comic blogs and F.A.F. #3 next week.

Monday, September 17, 2012

BFF's and F's!

I've watched the video ten times today instead of doing anything productive. I have no shame, and I shall continue to remain shameless. How's the weather up there on all of your high horses? You naysayers and your high horses... go take that pun and ponder your uncomfortable bowlegged-ness. I'm going to dance my cares away and worry for another day. Let the music play--oh my god, I have to watch the video again!

Go watch the music video on the Nerdist YouTube channel. And that offer is still on the table for the makers involved. Money or body. Or both, I don't care.

I'm serious, you guys.



 ... seriously...

Friday, September 14, 2012

FAF #2: Talia

Batman: The Animated Series was one of my favorite cartoons as a kid. And it celebrated its 20th anniversary this week. So I decided to take to my drawing tablet and make something. No Batman drawings. What? Everything has to be about Batman just because his name's in the title? Fuck that! Instead I chose Talia Al Ghul. I love the women of Batman because they are so interesting, but Talia is my favorite because for the few times you see her in the series, she's so conflicted. And gorgeous. I mean, seriously, she and Selina Kyle in this show are my girl crushes. The rough draft.

The [messy] final draft.

By the way, has anybody tried to do that crazy bang thing that she has? Tried to cover one eye with your hair? I did. And I looked like an idiot. And that's reason #72 why I have a pixie cut.

If you're wondering where FAF (Fan Art Friday) #1 is, check out Sometimes Blogger is a bit reluctant to post some of my entries. I don't know why...

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Feedback Fairies

Monday, September 10, 2012

Poor Fashion Choices

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

My Writer's Block

After writing my last post, I started having some issues with cartooning and writing. Author Patrick Rothfuss (Name of the Wind) is anti-writer's block and is a firm believer that it doesn't exist. I do think that there are times when someone can't think of anything to write. But then again, my writer's block is a manifestation of self-censorship and depression, and therefore I find reasons not to write.

I think the self-censorship is informed by many, many things, including my natural shyness, my religious upbringing, and those goddamn public relations courses in college. Oh, there's also the fact that some of my family members read my blog. Hi, guys! Hope you enjoyed that part where I broke that Commandment.

Here's what happens: I find out that people I know are reading my blog. I get wary of their opinions of me and I immediately censor myself. When I censor myself, I get frustrated with my work. And--boom!--writer's block. After that--bang!--depression. I feel as if I can't express myself without hurting someone's feelings, yet I get upset because I can't think of anything to write. And then I start weeping because I think everyone hates my work and I let them down when I don't post.

Let me say that again. I start weeping because I think everyone will hate my work and I let them down when I don't post. Because of this, I'm spending weeks getting stuck in a cycle of anti-production, self-loathing and pure crazy, begging my poor Husband to buy multiple pints of Ben and Jerry's for me.

Needless to say, I'm feeling a bit better now.

Where do we go from here? Well, I re-read my own About Me page because that's a good start for everything. And I noticed that I have only lived up to about half of that.

So, I say fuck it. From now on, I'm going to write what I want to write. Don't worry, I'll still have some adorable, silly things to say. It's just that this tender rabbit is going to have more bite to her... very similar to the killer bunny in The Search for the Holy Grail.

Yep... things are looking up from here.

NOTE: Not a real text. Although, I'm taking bets about what the real one is going to be.

Friday, August 31, 2012

I'm alive. New blog schedule will begin next week. New post will be up on Tuesday, but after that the posting schedule will be Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. So while you wait for handwritten, goofy comic shenanigans, enjoy your Doctor Who weekend! Here's a rough draft of the Eleventh Doctor I've been working on.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Nerd vs. Gym

Wednesday, July 4, 2012


Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Summer Whine

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Things Will Never Be The Same...

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Trending Truth

Friday, June 8, 2012


Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Maternal Instincts

Friday, June 1, 2012

Theatre Nerd

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Secondhand Rose

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Neverending Puppy

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Maurice Sendak, 1928-2012

Monday, March 12, 2012

Trash Day, or Nature vs. Self

When it comes to chores between me and the Husband, it is usually the Husband who takes out the trash. Especially this past winter when I spent most of my time hiding under blankets and layers of clothing and he would give up trying to find me after about ten minutes. A few days ago, he forgot to take out the trash and it was completely full. Fortunately the weather had warmed up a bit and I was willing to take out the trash. Unfortunately, it stank to high heaven. It is pretty much impossible to describe what it actually smelled like, but if I had to describe it, it had a blended scent of old coffee grounds, expired meat, and used cleaning products. A ferret could have taken a whiff of it and possibly fall into a comatose state.

***stink squiggles did not occur in real life.

What was worse about this is when I removed it from the trash can, it started developing a little hole in the bottom of the bag because of a beer bottle. This meant that in order to prevent the garbage from plummeting out of the bag and thus exposing the stench that could wipe out mankind, I could not hold it away from me and run. I would have to hold the bag in my arms and carefully walk to the dumpster.

Let's back up a bit and discuss the strange habit I have of wearing nice dresses and converse sneakers while I clean. Because of the anxiety I have due to cleaning, I find it helpful to spend my day pretending I'm a modern, less bitchy version of Betty Draper. I put on some Judy Garland and Sinatra in the background, I poor myself a glass of wine, and then I put on a simple cocktail dress. This allows me to vacuum and dance around the apartment in a calm state because I have allowed myself to think that the converse and my little black number make me look edgy. Plus, the more accepted uniform of pajama pants, a sweater and fuzzy socks doesn't make me feel comfortable or productive. In fact, I wear those things and stuffing my face with homemade mint chocolate chip ice cream to ignore how sad I feel.

So I walk out the door wearing my cute, black [department store clearance] dress while carrying this bag of garbage and death. Of course, I'm holding my breath in hopes that I won't suffocate and leave my Husband a widower. Sure, it's a fictional and highly unlikely hypothesis, but who would want that? Not I, let me assure you.

Now... did I mention that another cold front was coming in? No? Do you know what happens when the weather is changing?

Yep. I was upskirted by a change in the earth's air pressure. And yet I can't hold my skirt down because of one beer bottle making a tiny hole in a garbage bag that is leaking it's foul, ferret-comatose-causing air into the atmosphere.

Oh, and one more thing: there was someone behind me on this day.

And that, children, is how I created a future race that may be similar to the Reavers in "Firefly."