Thursday, January 20, 2011

The Cold War, or the War Against Cold

I would just like to start off this blog by saying, "Holy cacao, it's frakking freezing outside! Why is it so cold in Texas?!" Why does Cold Weather feel like it can go through Texas whenever it feels like it? Make up your mind, Cold Weather. I will not play into your dirty tricks anymore!

Cold and I have never gotten along. Everyone else seems to like Cold Weather. They're all like, "I love the winter! I love Cold Weather! I came from a place where it used to snow all the time and it was awesome! It's much better than Hot Weather--at least with Cold Weather you can put on more layers!"

For the record, I would like to mention that no matter how many layers of clothing I put on, I am still cold.

Here's a little story for you about the effect Cold Weather has had on me. Early last year, Cold Weather decided to make an appearance on the day that Older Sister decided to have her marathon bridal gown search. I wore the appropriate clothing for Cold Weather and even added a coat on top of that. The only crux in my wardrobe was that my mother asked for all of us to wear dresses so that her photo opportunities would look pretty. So, through out the day, my legs were cold.

We spent most of the day inside the bridal store, and then afterward we all went to a Mainstream Coffee Shop and sat outside, because my mother enjoys sitting outside. I'm noticing that I'm becoming more and more cold, but think nothing of it.

It's only as we go clothing store hopping that I'm beginning to realize that despite being inside these stores, I'm still cold. And by the time Older Sister and I get home, my body is shivering and my teeth are chattering. Turns out that Cold Weather had been invading my personal space for so long, I came home with a fever of 103. I was rendered completely useless to the point where I was visibly shaking under mountains of blankets on the couch while Older Sister watched "I'm a Pregnant Teenager and I'm Sad" on TV.

So, no. I do not like Cold Weather. I recognize that it's not going anywhere, but I don't have to like it.

As I conclude this post, I would like to say that I notice that some of you complain about Cold Weather when it's actually here. So don't go about talking how you love Cold Weather while you're drunk off of the heat that Hot Weather is serving.

And for those few of you who are wearing shorts during this bout of freeze... I'm convinced you're all members of the undead and I'm watching you.

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