Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Moving Day

Guess what guys?


Surprised? Averse to change? Let me explain.

Blogger (always Blogspot to me) has been a great home to Nerdery and Lifery since the days when I didn't know what to write. But recently, Blogger has been rebelling against me.

More importantly, since I draw silly things, it is bothersome when I try to upload something and get this:

Then the screen will freeze on me. Ask me if I like it? Go ahead, internet, ask me if I like it.

And thus we're moving and the only person who has to do the heavy lifting is me. Except this will be much easier than carrying furniture up to a second floor apartment. Which I am super pleased by.

But I can't let go of Blogger/Blogspot that easily due to nostalgia, so I'm going to leave most of the posts here. I might move some of my favorite posts over to the new place, but if I had to move ALL the posts from the previous two years to the new blog, I would die. (Exaggeration is fun!) Therefore, if you're ever feeling the need to read some of my older stuff, the Blogger version of N&L will still be here for you and I'll link it on the new site too.

So come visit me at my new home via Wordpress!

Friday, January 25, 2013

Bowler Hats and Fire Breathers

I know quite a few people who like Downton Abbey. They like it a lot.

Since so many people enjoy it, I thought to myself, "I might as well give this a go. It's available on streaming and it's a period piece. Plus, people are raving for it so I should probably jump on that bandwagon."

Because of this, I watched the first three episodes...

...over the course of one year.

Now, I can read minds from various points in time and space, and I'm hearing in several thoughts in that sum up to, "What is wrong with you? You should have finished that in a day? I hate you now! YOU ARE BROKEN INSIDE!"

I may be alone in this, but I believe that the show's main issue is the fact that it really needs a dragon.

Actually, it needs multitudes of dragons. Because how cool would it be to see a show set in turn of the century England? Especially as military assets in WW!

It would be super awesome and a half and you know it. Someone put zombies in Pride and Prejudice. Why shouldn't there be dragons in a early 1900s drama that circles around the higher and lower class living in the same household? Let's heighten the stakes, people!

Plus, the Turkish person's storyline would have been a little more interesting.
You're welcome, Downton fans.

P.S. Do Downton Abbey fans have a special nickname for themselves like the Whovians or the Potterheads? Is it the Downtonians? That sounds a little funny. A Kewpie doll to whoever can come up with a better Downton Abby fan name! Or a free commission... but only if it's really good.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Ah, my hibernation has come to an end and it's back to blogging.

I don't know about your 2012, but mine was kind of crappy. Obviously this past year did not read my letter to it entitled Attn: 2012. Or it did and decided to ignore me. Either way, 2012 is a dick.

Then again... it was the year of The Avengers. That was nice. And epic. And nice.

And Les Miserables came out at the end of the year. I don't care if there are people who didn't like it, that movie was magic. MAGIC I SAY.

So those were two nice things.  But that's it.

Oh! and November marked my one year wedding anniversary. Yay, legally binding monogamous commitment!

Three nice things happened. I'm happy for those things.

Otherwise, the anthropomorphized version of 2012 that lives in my brain is a douchebag. Now there's a new tenant called 2013. Let's hope I won't have to make too many renovations after it's lease is up. (I'm not sure how I feel about the fact that I just made an analogy of my life to that of an apartment complex.)